intuitive eating quiz 

Why is Intuitive Eating/Mindful Eating Important? 

It is the foundation of a 

healthy relationship to food! 

With a healthy relationship to food...


Your Physical Health Thrives 

You eat in ways that nourish and fuel your body 

Mental Health Improves   

You have more peace and ease, in general and with food

You have higher

emotional intelligence 

You cope with your emotions in healthy ways instead of eating

Your spiritual health  blooms

You trust your body, yourself the Universe 

It is incredibly common to struggle with your relationship to food. 

You are more normal than you may realize. 

Nevertheless, you know deep down there's a better way than to struggle! 

(I've been there!)  

...and you are ready to be on THAT path.

You are in the right place. 

The very first step towards intuitive eating is to become super clear about where on the path you currently stand. 

Once you have this clarity (and accept where you are!) you can move forward with a new approach. 

The next step on the path is to start learning and applying the SKILLS and MINDSETS of being an intuitive eater / mindful eater. 

Instead of struggling, you LEARN how to be completely as peace with what, when and how you eat. 

You learn how to fall madly in love with your body.

You learn how to skillfully respond to emotions instead of numbing them out by eating.

You let go of trying to "control" through rigid diets and plans (because, as you know - they always eventually backfire!) 

You instead eat and move and live in ways that give you energy and a zest for life. 

Because you WANT to...and guess what?!

You get the results you were longing for! (and that you were trying to achieve through controlling). 

Struggle Free. 

Are you ready for this new approach?!

Start by taking this intuitive eating quiz-it's free. 

        You Will Learn:

  • The three stages of intuitive eating and your current stage
  • The barriers between you and your ideal weight, optimum health and vitality (even if you THINK you know what these are- you might be surprised)

        You will also be given:

  • Customized, simple action steps you can take to help you get on the road to becoming a more intuitive and mindful eater and become more empowered towards an enriching, passionate and peaceful relationship with food 
  • A short meditation audio 
  • PLUS! You will receive a free 4-part guide over the next two weeks on the steps to take to end the battle and overcome destructive eating behaviors and instead implement new, empowering behaviors that will bring you peace and freedom in your relationship with food. 

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