My story is not a unique one. The story of feeling out of control with food after a period of restricting. In hindsight it’s so clear and makes perfect sense yet at the time, my compulsive binges felt so mysterious. They felt like something I would somehow, someday be able […]
How do you know that you are hungry? What information does your body give you to alert "hunger"? When untangling the web of of a dysfunctional relationship to food, this is a key piece of the puzzle. Yo-yo dieting and rigid food rules disconnect us from knowing what hunger is. […]
Physical Hunger vs. Emotional Hunger
I have a daily mindset practice which involves journaling and usually includes gratitude. There's a ton of research out there about how gratitude changes our neural networks, primes our brain and even makes us feel more "happy" by releasing serotonin and dopamine. ANYWAY, there's a situation in my life that...I'm […]
I’m grateful for the struggle.
These "for today" cards came in my yoga box a few months ago (one of my amazing clients signed me up for a monthly subscription - it's rad!). I pulled this card the other morning and a person I'm close to said: "don't you already do that?!" Yes. I do. […]
When we give ourselves permission to have whatever we want, ...
I spent a fair amount of time on/in/near the water this weekend: stand up paddle boarding, swimming in a lake, jumping off diving boards, enjoying cocktails and food next to the water at different restaurants and walking 2.8 miles around a lake. Water is the element I'm most drawn to […]
Food Freedom by Choosing to be OK
Have you had this experience? You open the fridge, find something to eat, aren't satisfied, so then migrate to the pantry, eat whatever's there and that also isn't satisfying so you go to the cupboard - eat - nope, still not satisfied and then back to the fridge.... Somewhere in […]
I eat to find what I’m looking for.
Have you ever noticed this? I hear this all the time: "I just want to feel in control with food." The more you TRY to control, the more you fall victim to food controlling YOU. Control is an illusion, babe. What you REALLY want is to be empowered. Empowerment might […]
What you try to control, controls you.
When you want someone or something to show you the way to your own heart - When you feel lost and confused and detached – and maybe, MAYBE (Hopefully!) They - or It - will be the answer you've been seeking, searching for, longing, hoping for - And when you […]
This light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine.

Why do so many people have a love-hate relationship with food? One the one hand, food brings pleasure and flavor and enjoyment. Food can love us, in the sense that it provides us with all the nutrients and building blocks our bodies need to function well physically, mentally […]
What a Healthy Relationship to Food Looks Like & How ...
You know how rose bushes need to be pruned before they can bloom? I am implementing a notion that we, too, need to be pruned sometimes before we can grow-or flourish- We need to make room for what we REALLY want. I’m in the process of making space. I recently […]